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Vetspire Integrations

Vetspire integrates with a variety of applications that help optimize your practice operations and assist with patient care, including laboratory and imaging tools, payment processors, marketing and analytics platforms, and more!


Abaxis (part of Zoetis) offers real-time diagnostic tools that integrate directly with Vetspire, so that you can quickly view in-house lab results when providing emergency care.


Antech integrates directly with Vetspire to populate reference lab results in patient charts. You can also order Antech diagnostics directly from an encounter in Vetspire.


Heska (part of Antech) offers reference lab and in-house lab diagnostics that can be ordered directly from Vetspire. Like Antech, Heska results populate in patient charts.


SAGE Intacct is a cloud-based accounting solution for small and mid-sized practices. You can sync your End of Day billing information with SAGE Intacct to generate financial and operational reports and insights.


VetSuccess (part of Vetsource) provides practice performance reports, dashboards, and automated marketing solutions for veterinary practices.


iVET360 offers online marketing and digital services for independent practices, including brand development, website design and hosting, and email marketing.

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