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The analytics page shows a six-month overview of sales, average patient invoices, and visits.

This is a permissions-based feature or is managed in your organization’s Admin settings.

Reports available:

  • Usage – search by product and/or filter by date and location to view product usage

  • Provider Production – filter by date to view total quantities and total production per provider

  • Rabies Report – filter by date to view patients who received Rabies vaccines within a period

  • Financial Reports – filter by date to download various financial reports

Account Credit Report

  • rDVM Revenue Report – filter by date to view rDVMs used, revenue, and number of clients

  • rDVM Patient Report – filter by date, location, and rDVM to view a list of last seen clients and patients

  • Client Referral Report – filter by date to view each location’s referral source client count

  • Provider Change Audit Report – filter by date to view invoices in which the provider was altered

    • Click on each line item to be taken to that invoice

  • Deleted Invoice Audit Report – filter by date to view all the invoices deleted and by which user

Reconciliation Notes

  • Encounters Report – filter by date to view details of unsigned encounters

    • Click on each line item to be taken to the encounter

  • Employee Plans Report – filter by date to view employee prevention plan enrollments

  • Employee Licenses Report – view expired licenses that have not been updated

  • Complications Report – filter by date to view a list of complications noted in inpatient encounters

  • Discounts Report – filter by date to view a list of discounts applied to invoices, including amount and reason. It only shows the line item discounts.

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